Se izdava stan vo Stip / Apartment to rent in Shtip Штип / Други MKD 1 For rent
Se izdava kompletno namesten stan vo naselba 8-mi. Noemvri Stip od 70 m2. Stanot e opremen so:
-Kompletno namestena dnevna soba so garniture za sedenje, klub masa, komoda, lcd TV, dvd player so domasno kinо, konzola za igri nintendo Wii.
-Kompletno opremena trpezarija so trpezariska masa i komodi,
-Kompletno opremena kujna so sporet, frizider, masina za sadovi,
-Kompletno opremeno kupatilo so kada,
-Spajz so masina za perenje,
-Kompletno opremena spalna soba,
-Dve terasi so masina za susenje na alista na ednata terasa,
-Internet, telefon, kabelska televizija, Wi-FI,
-Stanot e namesten so modern mebel so skladni izbalansirani nijansi od boi.
Apartment to rent in Shtip completely furnished 70 m2. The apartment is equipped with:
- Completely furnished living room with seating set, coffee table and tv stand, lcd TV set, dvd player with home cinema, Nintendo wee game console,
- Completely furnished dining room with table and chair set and furniture,
- Completely furnished kitchen with stove, refrigerator, dishwasher.
- Completely furnished bathroom with bath,
- With pantry equipped with washing machine,
- Completely furnished bedroom,
- Two balconies with clothe laundry drying machine
- Internet, telephone, cable TV, WI-FI
- Basement
- All the furniture is modern with balanced mixture of colors